If the damage caused was because another person crashed into your car, it is clear that they are at fault, and they have to pay for the repair or replacement. However, there are circumstantial exceptions where only the liability insurance will repair your car. In simple words, your third-party liability insurance will not cover the damages of a cracked windshield. What if You Do Not Have Comprehensive Coverage? The coverage depends entirely on the terms of your policy, which also indicate whether you get a repair done free of cost or pay some amount from your pockets. Some policies cover just the expense of repair while others cover repair as well as replacement. You can file a claim for the cracked windshield only if the cause of damage is covered by your policy. It is combined with collision insurance and covers any form of damages because of what are called ‘acts of God.’ It is not legally required to have comprehensive coverage, but it is an additional option available with your basic third-party liability insurance, which is necessary for all car owners in India. It is a must to have comprehensive coverage to cover an array of cases, and this also confirms that your insurance provider will cover the cracked windshield damages. However, you must have a comprehensive insurance policy that covers damages sustained by a four-wheeler due to inevitable events, which includes a cracked windshield, along with your third-party accidental liabilities. Many people probably wonder about whether or not their insurance provider covers the expenses of windshield problems, and to your advantage, the answer is ‘yes.’ Repairing or replacing a cracked windshield does have chances of putting quite the weight on your budget, depending on the extent of the damage. Ignoring a situation like this could cause worse problems in the future. The damages may vary from a small chip to a larger crack, and both these cases call for immediate attention and cannot be overlooked. Flying objects, debris, animals, or even accidents are a threat to your windshield. Car damages are inevitable in certain circumstances, and the same applies to a cracked windshield as well.